72. What about transcendence matters?

Joe again,

"After having finished reading Caritas in veritate, the last encyclic by the Pope, I infer one conclusion, among many others:

Development, a global development, also passes through the interior development of me, of us all, as a person, as persons. He is so wise.

Many say he is one of the best minds of the last 100 years. Read his books.

Better than wise, or beside wise:

He is Peter, the head of the Twelve Apostles of the very Jesus Christ.

Which fact is not a trifle."

Also Joe advised me to shake hands with any teacher, whatsoever his or her ideals; sure! That's the main stuff of the encyclic-letter.
--------------Thanks to jdlong wordpress com, two F-22 raptors fighters. The last aircraft that is being proofed - I prefer to think of that outfit as self-defense of a country!


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