1826. Teaching kids is very serious

Teaching kids evidently is different from teaching adults. 

Within a few days I will teach a couple of groups of different ages: 10 to 12, and 13 to 14. 

I like both, adults and kids, albeit the method (not the methodology) will be different. 

Basically when teaching kids you’ve got to treat them as grown-ups, although we’ll dedicate the allotted time to games. 

The course is short and the kids will carry out different activities, other than English: excursions, homework, computing, short educative talks... 

You have to take these classes in a very serious and professional way, yet the students are kids. 

Concerning adults, I’ve written a lot in this blog lately; you have the label “adult learners” at your disposal. / Photo from: police officers. www pacsafe com


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